Theme Thursday: Peace, Love & Flowers

Peace Love & Flowers Girls Size 4 Peasant Dress from SEWsational Sarah

Tulip OBV Pants Set from Holden's Landing

Lime Floral Reuseable Trash Bag from My Beautiful Girl

April Showers Bring May Flowers Curriculum Unit from Earth*School @ K&F Shops

Lucky Day Women's Size 4 Dundies from Zany Zebra Designs

Wool Hibiscus from Fair Trade Family

Tigerlilly Superwash Merino from Alfabette Zoope

Springy OBV Cloth Diaper from Holden's Landing

Theme Thursday

It's Springtime! Check out some of our team's lovely springy items available in their shops right now.

Spring Daisy Size 5 Girls Short Sleeve Nightgown from SEWsational Sarah

Peace Love & Flowers Girls Size 4 Peasant Dress from SEWsational Sarah

To check out more items from our team, visit us on etsy!

Featured Artisan Friday ~ SEWsational Sarah

I'm Sarah, the WAHM behind SEWsational Sarah. I live in Northern New York State with my husband John and our 4 year old daughter Faith.

I've always sewn, well almost always. I started at about age 8. I've always liked sewing, but after my daughter was born, sewing became a passion. First, i started sewing her cloth diapers. That evolved into cute matching shirts and outfits. And from there it has blossomed into a small work at home mom business.

I don't enjoy "cookie cutter" sewing, so very rarely will you see me create the same look twice. Each item i make is a unique creation. I enjoy mixing and matching prints, colors and designs to make exciting one of a kind clothing.

But SEWsational Sarah is so much more than clothing. I also make handbags and carriers of all sorts. I enjoy sewing housewares and quilts. The variety of items I offer reflects my personality and my ever evolving creative nature.

Just a couple of my favorite shots of my princess modeling her mama made clothing. Nothing keeps me going more than her pleasure in sporting something I have created for her.

Question & Answer from my fellow teammates -

How long have you been sewing? I started at age 8.

What was the first item you ever sewed? A skirt to earn a badge in Girl Scouts. It was a sailboat print woven fabric, and i was so proud of myself. Wish now i had saved it.

What is your favorite thing to make? By far baby clothing. I just love itty bitty babies and making sweet little clothing is so fun.

What's your biggest business challenge? Wanting to keep items for myself is my biggest challenge, i create items that inspire me, color combinations i like, I tend to gravitate towards fabrics that are my taste/style, so when items are complete i sometimes struggle to let go.

What inspires you to create and keeps you going? Definately my inspiration is my daughter Faith. She loves handmade clothing, toys and other items and her enthusiasm over her mama made items is always a huge boost to my moral.

Artisan Tuesday - Tip from SEWsational Sarah

Love fancy boutique dresses?

Hate ironing?

I have a spritz bottle of water (i use distilled water so it doesn't get yucky) near my dryer. I spritz the dress down with water and toss in the dryer on low heat/no heat for 10-15 minutes. Pull it out and put on right away or hang up.

It will be wrinkle free and the bonus to my daughter is that it's warm.

Theme Thursday - Think Spring

Here in northern NY it's 34 degrees, windy and rainy today. Hoping this rain will get rid of the massive amount of snow that's been hanging on.
Let's take a moment and think about green grass, fresh dirt, gorgeous colorful flowers and all those things that make us think "spring!"

Chocolate Lollipop Hair Pins from SEWsationalSarah

How Does Your Garden Grow? from Holden's Landing

Peter Rabbit Ran and Ran from Holden's Landing

Hop To It from Holden's Landing

Floral Print A-Line Skirt from SEWsationalSarah

Wordless Wednesday

Manic Monday - Discount Codes

Use coupon code HYENATEAM15 for 15% off your order at SEWSational Sarah  (etsy shop only) in March.

20% off anything at Gillyweeds - coupon code FB20off

Theme Thursday: Think Spring!

It is 11 degrees this morning here in Connecticut.  Brr!!! Maybe if we all "think spring" hard enough, it will warm up! Here are some cute spring-inspired from the team items to get you going:

 HeartWood Medium BedBug Plus Cloth Diaper from Holden's Landing

 Thermal Flowers Knit nightgown - Size 5 from SEWSational Sarah

 Happy Bunny Small BedBug Cloth Diaper from Holden's Landing

 Conversation Hearts on Mambo Fine Merino from Big Bad Voodoo Mama

Spring Rainbow Medium BedBug Plus from Holden's Landing