Monday Mania - Team Sales & Specials

Use coupon code FBFAN15 for 15% off your order at SEWSational Sarah - through midnight tonight

20% off anything at Gillyweeds - coupon code FB20off

Last day for 10% off instock items at Holden's Landing - use coupon code RAINYDAY

Theme Thursday: Winter Blues

Beat the winter blues with these items from the team!

Wordless Wednesday

Flowers for Spring...

For my birthday this year, I got the book, 100 Flowers to Knit and Crochet, and I am totally enamored with all the beautiful flowers and leaves inside!  I can't wait for Spring!

Here is a sampling of some of the fun flowers I've been playing around with.  I can see so many color possibilities...the sky's the limit!  I'm so excited...can you tell? 

Some of these may be coming soon to an Etsy shop near you! 

Contributed by Shannon of  Gillyweeds

Wordless Wednesday